
sleeping baby

i have not been torturing my child again by making him sleep in the carseat. he's back in his bed. mark got the motion sensor to work in his crib so now g and i can both sleep comfortably. he actually doesn't always roll onto his belly, but if he does i don't freak out quite as much. 

it's a beautiful thing, a sleeping baby. (especially one who has been sleeping till 530am!)

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1 comment:

  1. Please let me know how you like the motion sensor..I've heard mix things, but from people that I don't think actually ever had one. So I would love to know if you like it or if you think it made you more paranoid if you didn't hear him moving.

    Oh, and PS - I LOVE the name Grayson. if I have a second son I totally might have to steal this name :)


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